“Clear glass round canister, with the screw top. Glass tumbler with tablespoon graduations. Chilled steel grinders with screw adjustment, wall bracket gear casing, etc. Made of cast iron, japanned. Cup holder fitted with spring to hold a cup under grinder, making it airtight. Hopper screws on to frame and can be removed for cleaning.” ~No. 3 – Crystal – Capacity of hopper 1 pound, height overall 17 inches.
Original product description from the Arcade Mfg Co. 1918 catalog
Crystal No 3 Coffee Grinder Listings
One of the most popular antique coffee mills was/is Crystal No 3 from Arcade. Not only that, but it is also the most sought after model of the entire Arcade coffee mills. Crystal No 3 parts are easier to find compared to other Arcade’s antique coffee mills such as Crystal No. 1, 2, 4.
Crystal No. 3 mill has “Crystal No. 3” embossed on the glass hopper. Available in black, blue, white enamel, nickel plate, and oxidized copper. The catching cup graduations marked at tablespoon levels. It should be marked “Arcade Mfg. Co. “3” Freeport, I11.” in bottom.
One of the reasons why this model was because of its interesting packaging method. We got to remember that these were made back in 1898-1930. They didn’t have bubble wraps or packing peanuts to protect the glass hopper. So Arcade came up with a new method of packing. The glass hopper was surrounded by excelsior and contained in a separate box inside. I haven’t yet to see the original unopened package being sold yet, and there is any in existence, but if you do find it.. that’s gotta go to a museum.
Bruce says
I have a complete coffee grinder with both glass top and the bottom . The measuring cup is original and in mint condition The top glass has bubble in it and a flaw that looks like a crack. The grinder is working and the lid is rusted .What would it be worth ?.
gina says
looking for the bean jar for arcade crystal 3 and the catch cup
thank you
John says
Original catch cups for Arcade #3 goes for around $150. Sometimes, it’s cheaper to buy the whole unit. Check here : https://www.antiquecoffeegrinderstore.com/arcade-coffee-grinder-catch-cups
Denise Nyren says
Where can I find the model # on the arcade crystal coffee grinder?
John says
Depends. Crystal No 3 should have it embossed on the glass hopper so is Crystal No 4. No 1-2 are identified by its receiving cup design – 3&4 come with spoon level marked while 1-2 has plain receiving cup.
Mary says
I have a Crystal no.3 wall mounted coffee grinder and great shape, but I am looking for a replacement for the screw on lid. Any recommendations on where to find a lid? Thank you!
william Nichols says
I have an Arcade 3 minus the crank handle. Do you know of anyone selling replacement parts, ie a handle? Thanks.
Staci says
The glass crystal top on my grinder does not have the embossed No3 on it. Can you tell anything about it?
John says
Yes, I believe the later models (2nd gen) came without the No 3 embossing.
Mark says
I have an Arcade Crystal with a 0 (zero) stamped on the back. No other number markings…can you tell me what model this is??
John says
I need to see the photos of the whole set. Thanks.
Phillip Riggs says
I need a catch cup holder for my arcade. Number unknown. Thank You!
John says
If you send me the pictures, I can help you identify what Arcade model it is. Thanks.
Linda says
I am looking for a glass hopper and a glass coffee catcher for my arcade crystal coffee grinder. I believe it is a #3.
Any suggestion?
Thank you
Jon says
I’m looking to by a Arcade Crystal No 3 from ebay. I have found a few bodies (without glass). Some have ‘Made in USA’ cast into the back and some do not. Are they all original?
jamie stanton says
Hello, today I purchased an Arcade Crystal grinder that’s in great shape with all the hardware. The issue is, the coffee jar that goes on the top is too big, so it was not attached. It says Crystal 3 and I’m sure the grinder is that model but it’s a tad too big to screw into it. Now I have a pristine top but nothing it fits. How come the jar doesn’t fit the grinder?? Did you mention there is a 2nd generation? Maybe that’s it. I’d sure like to find the correct jar and sell my too large one.
John says
I can tell you exactly which Aracde Crystal mill you have if you can send me the picture of the grinder. My guess is that you have Crystal No. 1, with Crystal No. 3 hopper. Crystal No. 3 is almost 5″ taller than No. 1. Contact me through the contact form, and we can go from there.