Question from Tom :
I have a Arcade #5 pat june 94. could you tell me about what its worth. No missing parts. works. Original some rust not redone.
Answer :
Hi Tom, thanks for your question. There were only 5 successful transactions on eBay during the last 365 days. The highest price was $103. Out of the 5, it was the only mill with its original parts and the backboard (which is also important). And the average price was around $40.
Let me tell you little bit about Arcade No.5 coffee mill/grinder.
You said no missing parts. Does it have the top lid Often, it is missing. The backboard (about 6″ x 8″) should be stained bright red. The body of the mill cast is in one piece and copper plated. And the mill should be around 5 1/2″ tall.
Shop Arcade No. 5 mills
I’ve seen some sellers think the backboard is original just because it was stained in red. But most of the time, it is a restored backboard. Measure the size of the backboard and the orientation. Also check the screws are on the right side of the board.
By the way, the lid looks like this.

Good luck to you! I would love to see your photos!
vivian grber says
I also have an 1894 Vintage Arcade Cast Iron coffee grinder NO.5 I’m looking for parts, can you send me a detailed picture of what the componets of the coffee grinder consist of. I have search E-Bay for a NO5 and haven’t been able to find no5
John says
I’ve uploaded a picture to the post above. Please take a look at that. There should be a flipping lid also.